Bollywood actor-director Satish Kaushik has bagged a lead role in the mainstream British film Seven Seas, based on the bestseller Brick Lane by Bang-ladeshi author Monica Ali. Ali’s book, which focuses on an Asian family living in Britain and explores the British immigrant experience, was shortlisted for the 2003 Man Booker Prize.
“It is a big achievement for me because nobody has been offered a lead role in Hollywood films except Om Puri. Puri last played the main lead in an English film called East is East,” Kaushik said.“I was not aware of the film till Loveleen Tandan told me about it. Loveleen is the casting director of the film. At that time I was busy with the pre-release promotional work of Shaadi Se Pehle in Delhi.
She took my pictures and sent them to London. The director and one of the crew members flew down to Delhi. They took my screen test and offered me the role,” said the maker of hit films like Tere Naam and Hum Aapke Dil Mein Rehte Hain. Kaushik, who is also remembered as the lovable Calendar in Mr India, is flying to London on May 28. He has been on cloud nine since he signed on the dotted lines.