Finally, Bollywood actress Kim Sharma has been able to clean bold her boyfriend and rising star of cricket Yuvraj Singh. Now, they have come too close with each other, and that's why Kim is frequently found missing from the sets as soon as she is somewhat free. Where does she go is anybody's guess? The crew of the movie feels that she rushes to see her love interest Yuvraj Singh though the actress denies it and calls it a conspiracy of her detractors to defame her. "I go out whenever my work is over." She also denies that she is going to quietly marry Yuvraj Singh.
She claims that whenever she marries she would do it with pomp and show. This is to recall that not in the distant past Kim presented to Yuvraj on his birthday a diamond costing Rs 200,000. She has also got Yuvraj wearing her gifted diamond ring photographed during the Mumbai cricket match with England. Sources close to both confirm that the relationship between Kim Sharma and Yuvraj Singh has progressed a lot during the recent past. Regarding their marriage, however, there is a big hurdle as Yuvraj's mother isn't very enthusiast to accept Kim as her bahu (daughter-in-law) though the former is more than ready to get her son married at the earliest. And why not, after all her son has reached the peak of his career. Yuvraj's friends are optimistic that the cricketer will persuade her mother to for his marriage with Kim Sharma.