Bipasha Basu, who plays the female lead in the comedy Phir Hera Pheri, admits it took her a while to break the ice with her co-stars — Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal. “Initially, it was a problem when Akshay or Paresh cracked jokes but once I got into the mood and started enjoying their jokes, it became a lot easier,” said Bipasha.
According to Bipasha, comedies are stress busters. She said: “After a hard day’s work most people like to watch something funny and what better way to get entertained than by a comedy film,” she says. Asked how funny the film really is, she said: “It definitely is really amusing. Even the songs in the film have comic timing. I am doing an item number with Akshay which is also very funny.”
She adds, “I have seen the first film Hera Pheri. And it is really funny. This is a sequel to the original Hera Pheri but it starts from where the first one ended.” Bipasha, who was seen in one of the biggest hits of 2005, No Entry, says it is unjust to label an actor. “An actor is an actor and we can not label anybody as ‘more funny’. I wanted to do comedy because it is something new to me. In No Entry, I was more of the glamour quotient than a funny one. I have never done this kind of comedy before.”