It looks like item girl Rakhi Sawant’s mother, Jaya is following her daughter’s footsteps. By making her Bollywood acting debut! The movie is Hot Money, directed by none other than Rakesh Sawant, her own son. In fact, Rakhi too has an item number in the movie. Jaya Sawant always wanted to become an actress. She had even signed a Gujarati movie, 25 years ago. However, she could not go ahead with it because of the disapproval of her husband and family. In Hot Money, she will be seen playing the lead character’s mother. Her role model is Lalita Pawar and she would love to do the kind of roles that she did. A suspense thriller, Hot Money, also stars Divya Dwivedi, Tarun Arora, Kunika Lal and Mukesh Tiwari. It will release on June 16. With Rakhi, Jaya and Rakesh Sawant being a part of it, we’re sure this will be nothing short of a family drama!