Priyadarshan's forthcoming film Chup Chup Ke is slated to release next week. And here's a scoop very few people might know. Isha Sharvani of Kisna fame was initially signed up for the role enacted by Sushma. It is believed that Isha backed out from the movie when she came to know that her role wasn't as meatier as Kareena Kapoor or Neha Dhupia the other actors of the film.
Speaking about same Sushma said "I was aware of this from the beginning. There was some date problem between Isha Sharvani and the filmmaker but that is between them and I did not bother about it. Chup Chup Ke is my second film and to work with Priyanji, was a big thing. I don't think there is any reason for me to refuse the project as the director is very experienced and has a huge starcast."
She adds on, "I am a newcomer and there is a long way to go for me. One can say so many things about this issue but in the end I'm happy with my role."