Amrita Arora Amrita Arora has opted out of director Deepak Bahry's forthcoming film starring Arbaaz Khan and Zulfi Sayed in the lead. And this time the reason cited is not the usual date problem. Amrita said that she was asked to do love-making scenes with brother-in-law Arbaaz Khan in the film which made her walk out of the film.Amrita explains that the filmmaker didn't inform her about the same scenes when she was given a narration. She has opted out of the film as love making scenes are an integral part of it and she wasn't comfortable doing them with her brother-in-law Arbaaz Khan.However filmmaker Deepak Bahry has different story to say. He claims that there were date problems on both sides. Amrita didn't have immediate dates and he wanted to kick start the film very soon. He also adds that the film is not vulgar but is a story about a heroine's vendetta.