The film industry has decided to stand by Aamir Khan in his hour of need. The actor has been in the midst of a raging controversy, as a result of which his new film FANAA couldn't be released in Gujarat. While there was no official communique from any of the film industry association vis-a-vis the film's Gujarat release, the film industry has rallied around Aamir and decided to take a stand.
"Let's show our solidarity to Aamir and FANAA," the text message reads. A meeting to decide on the future course of action is being held this afternoon [Monday, 3.30 pm IST] at a suburban hotel by the who's who of the film industry. Two producers' associations [Guild, A.M.P.T.P.P.] and the actors' association [Cine and TV Artistes' Association] have got together, reportedly.
However, Aamir might not be attending the said meeting. "I am pleasantly surprised," Aamir confided in me on Sunday night, "I have taken a stand and I don't wish to elaborate anything further on the issue. But I am happy that the film industry is showing solidarity. Today, it's me and my film that they have targeted. Tomorrow, it could be some other actor and his film. How long will this continue?"
Aamir was equally touched by Amitabh Bachchan's support. "It was very nice on his part to come out openly in support," he states.