The mobile is a star’s closest companion, if everyone let’s them down, cell phone, hai na? Exactly, be it at a party, a shoot, or mahurats…rarely do we spot a star minus their cell phones. They hold on to it with all their heart, and if you don’t see the gadget clutched in their hands, rest assured, it will be dangling around the spot boy’s wrists. But the beauties never lose sight of their beeping buddy. Though, there are few we know who aren’t as much in love with this gadget. Celina Jaitley is one of them. “Everyone wonders why I don’t use my cell phone as much. I don’t like to use my cell phone when I’m at work; I think it’s very disturbing. In fact, I don’t even carry my phone on my shoots. Even my co-stars ask me, ‘Doesn’t anyone want to get in touch with you. Don’t you want to speak to someone?’ I get all the messages later on, anyways. When I’m at work, I am at work, I can’t have my cell phone beeping and annoying me all day.” This is a good idea gal; and it’s the best way to avoid the ‘Tom, Dicks and Harrys of the world from bothering you!