Aamir Khan has reportedly planned to remake a Tamil thriller Ghajini. Aamir seems to have liked the Tamil film so much that he even plans to produce the film. However the film will go on floors a year from now. The director of the original Tamil film, A R Murugadoss, has been finalized to remake the film in Hindi. The cast of the film is yet to be finalized.
Says Murugadoss, Aamir was quite impressed with Ghajini and therefore, expressed his desire to remake the film in Hindi. Murugadoss met Aamir twice and says that he is a very intelligent man. The two also had a discussion on making appropriate changes in the script to make it acceptable for universal Indian audiences. Aamir has in fact, even bought the rights of the Tamil film. The director though, remains tight lipped about other details. It is too early to reveal anything more at this stage he says.
Before going ahead with the Tamil remake, Aamir will be starring in Mani Ratnam?s next which is supposed to be a comedy and is tentatively titled High Jump. This film will go on floors in October after Mani Ratnam is through with the shooting of Guru.