Nepalese beauty-turned-actress Manish Koirala has taken a maximum toll of breaking her lovers' hearts. Recently, she has been having an affair with a restaurant owner named Prashant Chaudhary. The latter has turned her victim too. Who will be her next target can be anybody's guess? That's why she hasn't been in news for quite some time, both professionally as well as personally. However, she hit the headlines not in the distant past due to her involvement in her country's politics.This is to recall that the King of Nepal had imposed censorship and threw political
leaders behind the bars for protesting against him. The King had called for general elections and the political parties had boycotted it. However, Manisha was on the side of the King and had actively supported his father's candidature and opposed his uncle's boycott call. She hasn't publicly reacted to the latest political developments that have revived the old Parliament of Nepal. She may be distancing herself from the Nepalese politics though. Industry circles wonder if the actress is pursuing her professional career or looking for another victim to break his heart. Beware Manisha, such things never end in happiness in life.